After seeing Youtubers rave about this particular product, I thought it was time to get my hands on one! It was my first time using an Alpha-H product, and I was kind of worried seeing as it has "glycolic acid" in it. I must admit, the word "acid" freaked me out at first. However I did a bit of research online and discovered that it actually comes from sugar cane. Also, many say that it makes your skin look better from the very first use so I was extremely tempted to give it a try. Does it live up to the hype? I would say so. This is a skin treatment that you would use on alternate nights. Whenever I used it, I would be extremely excited to see what my skin would like in the morning. It does make your skin look good in the morning, however, I wasn't exactly...WOW-ed. Whilst using this, I realised that I wasn't breaking out as much too. I'm not actually sure whether it was this particular product that was keeping the spots at bay or whether it was other stuff. It is more on the pricey side but personally I would say that it is worth it and it does last for a bit. All in all, a good product.
