I got to go to Hong Kong for like the first time ever! Woop woop! There were 27 of us! Yeah that's a pretty big number...it was just a shame that the trip only lasted for 6 days...but yeah it was one heck of an experience and you could tell that everyone had an amazing timeeee. :)
We tried to cram soooooo much into 6 days as there just wasn't enough time but we managed to make the most of the time that we had there.
I remember the morning we left Sandakan and oh my goddd everything was so hectic. I got up late (as usual) and I was in a proper rushhhhhhh...I couldn't shut my suitcase because I had so much in it! ><>
Us, who had to fly all the way from Sandakan had to fly to Kota Kinabalu and then catch another flight from Kota Kinabalu to Hong Kong. In the end, we got there and oh my, I was rather excited. I didn't think I'd be that excited. I felt like a kid all over again...whereas my cousins were just sat there like oh, we've arrived in Hong Kong, cool...Hahaa...that's probably because they've been so many times but yeah it was my first time ever so I was really looking forward to seeing what Hong Kong had in store for us. The airport was really big and it was extremely weird seeing signs in both Chinese and English. And I have never seen so many Chinese people in my entire life!
Then it was time to get our luggage and oh my god it took forever. There was nothing on the luggage belt for a good half an hour and it was rather frustrating but we got there in the end...So we all headed off to the motel and we only had to catch one bus which was really convenient but the only problem was getting the luggage onto the bus and getting it back off again...so as soon as we got to the bus stop, we all ran down to get our suitcases and quickly dragged it off the bus. Lol I felt sorry for those who had to put their suitcases on the second shelves, it must have killed their arms to have to carry such heavy suitcases. I was one of the lucky ones who managed to squeeze their suitcases at the bottom so it was pretty easy dragging mine out even though it weighed like 19kg. Haha. ><"
So we got off the bus and oh my god, it was boilingggggggg!!! It was so hot that I could barely breathe! That's how hot Hong Kong is. I swear I heard it was like above 30 degrees and now that is HOT. It felt so much hotter than Malaysia. And oh my, the streets were soooooooooooooo busy!!! I have never seen such busy streets in my life! I was so worried that I'd get left behind/stood all over that I ran across the roads as soon as the little green man was in sight. Everyone probably thought I was bad but seriously, you can't walk in Hong Kong...you have to peg it! Well that's if you don't wanna get killed/stood on/pushed...:P Thankfully, my uncle helped me carry one of my bags which made it a lot easier as running with a suitcase which weighed 19kg proved to be quite some challenge. Haha. However we all did it...but we were all half dead by the time we got to the motel.
The motel that we stayed in was reallyyyy small but it was clean and that's all that matters really. We had to squeeze four people into a room which only had one single and one double bed because I booked my tickets a lot later than everyone else so no one knew that I'd be tagging along. Haha. The skinny ones had to share the single bed and the slightly chubbier ones had the double bed to share, and that was my cousin and I. :P So yeah, I managed to sleep pretty well. Mwahahaha. It was only for one night anyways...because my auntie decided that it would be best if herself and I move to the other motel which was just next door because there just wasn't enough room for my suitcase to be opened so we moved in with the other lot who arrived the day after.
I didn't think much of it but when I had a look at the motel the day after I was like ohhhh myyyy lordddddd. It was completely different to the previous motel. It was rather OLD. I didn't mind it being old but I didn't appreciate the fact that I had cockroaches keeping me company at night. Hygiene comes first right? Oh well we were only there for a few days so yeah, I soon got used to it. Haha but I remember knocking on the guys' room to get one of them to kill them little buggers but they decided that they'd run away so I just had to leave it...but as soon as Yu Hong left (my cousin's cousin), they decided to come out again. I shouted his name dead loud but I don't think he heard me so I decided to build up the courage and kill them myself. Oh my god I was soooo scared though. You all know what I'm like with insects and stuff like that. ><>
Soooo what else happened? Well we got to go to Disneyland! Woot woot! :P There weren't that many rides which was kinda disappointing but it was still good. And it was soooooooooooooooooooo hot. You should have seen my cousin's little cousin. She was soooooooooooooooo tanned! Bless her! She's sooooooooooo cute! She's one of them little kids who look proper "cool" when they don't smile and when she does, it just lightens the room up. =] She's called Mei Mei too...but Mei Mei as in "younger sister"...well that's what everyone else called her...
Haha and I remember being back at the motel and my uncle was calling her and I was there and I shouted "yeah" and he was like not you, the other Mei Mei. Haha. Embarrassing or what? I was like oh. Hahaa.
But yeah back to Disneyland...everyone was busy snapping away with their cameras while I had to use my phone because my mum's camera decided to die on me the day that I left for Malaysia which was really annoyingggggggg...so I had to just make do with my satio. Oh well, it was better than nothing, right?
So what did we do at Disneyland?
Well half of our time was spent in the shops just purely shopping. Haha. I bought a phone charm, some keyrings, this really cute minnie mouse bobble and other bits and bobs. :) Oh and my auntie got me this Disney shirt...thanks Gugu! =] My uncle has one too but in white. Haha.
We went on a few rides and just walked around really...but we were all dead after like a few hours of walking in the sun and stuff. It was just so tiring so we decided to have a afternoon nap kinda thing on the benches under the trees. Mwahahaa. It was exhausting...but fun at the same time. :)
(To be continued)