06 November 2014

Review: LOLA Marc Jacobs!

Excuse the bad picture quality! I seem to have misplaced my camera charger! Haha.

Anyway, back to Marc Jacobs, I have finally used up this Lola perfume! To be honest, it was kind of an impulse buy. I used to use the Daisy perfume from the brand, which I loved so I thought I would give this one a try too. The scent itself consists of many different notes which makes it slightly harder to explain. I would say that it has a floral yet musky scent, if that makes any sense! I personally think that this is one for the evenings, as it is quite feminine and sexy to some extent. 

Marc Jacobs definitely comes out with the best packaging when it comes to perfumes! I remember getting this and being obsessed with the lid! It just looks so pretty and chic on the dressing table. 

The staying power of the LOLA perfume is actually not too bad as it gives off a rather strong aroma. Whenever I wore the scent, people around me would notice it which was good. However, I don't think it's a perfume I would repurchase for myself as I personally think that it doesn't quite suit me. It wasn't a perfume that I would want to sniff all the time...but that is just my personal opinion! I much prefer the original Daisy perfume from Marc Jacobs!