It's been a while since I last made an effort to do a review so thought I'd do one today. My mum discovered this product a while back and she was telling me how good it was. Normally, a roll-on deodorant just like this one doesn't really work for me as I sweat a lot. For some reason I feel smelly regardless of what roll-on deodorant I use. However, this one actually surprised me as I felt that it was doing what it was meant to do. I've seen in supermarkets that Dove have launched other scents under this line but I don't think they have the "beauty finish" which this one is supposed to have. I am now willing to try out other roll-on deodorants after using this one, instead of my usual crystal rock deodorant. It states on the bottle that it lasts 48 hours but it didn't on me unfortunately. However, I think that it's quite difficult for a deodorant to last that long, especially when you're like me and you literally sweat all the time. All in all, I liked this Dove deodorant and I would consider repurchasing in the future.